An appraisal of cultural diplomacy through analysis and evaluation of cultural agreements and theatre programmes is an important aspect of the cycle of decision-making and planning process in cultural diplomacy. This appraisal of Nigeria's cultural diplomacy is double edged. It focuses on administration and management on one hand, and on the other hand, it evaluates the artistic input. It lays bare the organizational defects and problems of cultural policy implementation within the domestic and external environment. The appraisal is significant to the artistic director and critic in the latter instance. It throws a challenge to the theatre practitioner about the choice and content of artistic productions in international cultural relations. This paper adopts the performance evaluation method in the assessment of cultural agreements and theatre productions used in Nigeria's cultural diplomacy. Specifically, the paper will focus on the appraisal of basic cultural agreements made by Nigeria with other countries, programmes of cultural exchange as well as samples of theatre productions.
Humanities Review Journal Vol.4 2004:31-40