The hypothetical stance of the present study is that aesthetics is the foundation upon which theatre practice in general, and contemporary Nigerian theatre practice, specifically is constructed. I have argued that it is a truism that contemporary Nigerian theatre comprises diverse forms and styles generally categorised as traditional and modern. Being a society that is characterised by ehtnocultural pluralism, one observes that the diversity of theatrical forms and styles is anchored to the diverse aesthetic canons, which are themselves products of the individual cultures within the country.This study has taken due cognisance of the problem of definition as it relates to the concept, aesthetics. It provides a working definition of the concept and goes further to argue that the contemporary Nigerian theatre practitioner cannot do without aesthetics if we intend to develop and maintain a viable and relevant theatre. I recommend that since aesthetics is the solid foundation upon which theatre practice is built, its study, whether informally or formally, should be taken more seriously in this country.
(Humanities Review Journal: 2003 3(1): 74-79)