This paper set out to critically look into the gap that has existed between ideas and reality in the realm of social justice in Nigeria. To realize this objective, the paper examined the dynamics of the Nigerian political economy and how this impinges on the practice and implementation of social justice. The paper subsequently observes that the political economy promotes inequality and even when it appears that efforts are made to implement social justice, what actually obtains in practice is that a few individuals are enriched while the majority is deprived. The paper further notes that because of the outflow of the resources perpetuated by a few, there have not been ample resources to go round. So the implementation of social justice has been fraught with certain discriminatory policies culminating in its politicization and commercialization.Conclusively, this paper is of the view that social justice has existed in Nigeria, but it has existed for the few who have controlled the economic and political power of the country. Consequently, it would not be considered a success in Nigeria. To turn this situation around, there is need for Nigerians to re-examine the prevailing political economy and its structures.
(Humanities Review: 2001 1(2): 31-40)