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The dynamics of mycological assemblage of Mairua Reservoir, Katsina State, Nigeria

Z.M Dabo
M.A Saidu
A.M Gwiokura
F Dayyabu
A.M Hashim
Bello Abdulkadir
F.B Yahaya
H.A Ghali


A mycological study of some selected species of fungi in relation to fishing was conducted at Mairua Reservoir. The people of the area are mainly agriculturalist, but fishing is the major activity taking place around the reservoir. Wtaer samples were collected monthly from February-April and June-August 2020. Spatially the data were analysed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and temporally using independent t-test. Findings on the mycological study shows that the yeast count range between 9.42±3.91 and 18.38±1.04 (106 CFU/ml) while the mold count range between 5.20±1.74 and 7.58±1.97 (107 CFU/ml) in various sampling sites. The order of the occurrence of fungal isolates across the various sampling sites was Aspergillus niger (30.23%), Cladosporium sp. (25.58%), Aspergillus flavus (16.28%), Penicillium sp. (16.28%) and Fusarium sp. (11.63%). The prevalence of these pathogenic fungi in the water could affect fish growth. Hence, there should be adequate sensitization to educate households and farmers bordering the reservoir on the danger associated with loading the reservoir with waste materials.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2811-2598
print ISSN: 1597-7463