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Teenage pregnancy in Jos, North-Central Nigeria
Objective: To determine the prevalence of teenage births, demographic characteristics and pregnancy outcome in this group of wome.
Methods: This was a 12 months retrospective descriptive study of the pregnancy outcome of teenagers in the Jos University teaching Hospital, Jos, Nigeria between January and December 2003.
Results: The prevalence of teenage birth was 5% or 21 per 1000 deliveries. The mean age was 18.20 ± 0.84 years, and mean parity was 1.2 ± 0.82. About 81% of the teenagers had completed only primary and secondary education. Nineteen percent (19%) of them were non-literate. Preterm delivery (24.5%) and vaginal trauma (episiotomies 41.3%) were the maternal morbidity while low birth weight (14.3%) was the common foetal morbidity in the study. The teenagers were similar to the total population in respect of booking status, and perinatal morbidity, but worse of in preterm delivery and low birth weight. There was no much difference, however, in the still birth and caesarean section rates. The maternal and foetal outcomes were generally satisfactory in the study.
Conclusion: Teenage mothers constitute 5% of our antenatal patients and appear to be disadvantaged both socially and economically, as they are yet to attain their educational potentials. The older teenage status in addition to booking for antenatal care in pregnancy resulted in better foetal and maternal outcome.
Keywords: prevalence, teenage pregnancy, pregnancy outcome
Highland Medical Research Journal Vol. 3(2) 2005: 87-97