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The Prevalence Of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen And Human Immunodeficiency Virus Antibodies Among Persons With Sickle Cell Anaemia In Zaria
Methods: Serum samples of 47 non- transfused persons with sickle cell anaemia (controls) and 73 transfused (subjects) were sreened for HIV antibody or the Hepatitis B surface antigen using ELISA based kits and methods.
Results: Non of the 47(0%) control persons were positive for either HIV antibody or the Hepatitis B surface antigen. Three out of 73 transfused persons were positive for the HIV antibody. Of these, one was positive for HIV-1, another was positive for HIV-2 and a third was positive for both HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibodies. Another three out of 73bv transfused persons were positive for the Hepatitis B surface antigen (HbsAg). None of the participants was co-infected with both HIV and HBV.
Conclusion: Blood transfusion increases the risk of both HIV and HBV by at least a factor of 4.
Key words: Blood Transfusion; Sickle cell Anaemia; HIV-1; HIV-2; HBV.
Highland Medical Research Journal Vol.2(1) 2004: 28-32