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Effects The N-Hexane Extract Of Castor (Ricinus Communis) Seeds On Some Blood Parameters
Materials and methods: The seeds of Castor plant were obtained, dried, pulverized, and exhaustively soxhlex extracted in N-hexane at 750C for 72 hours. This was dissolved in appropriate volumes of corn oil to make a concentration of 20mg/ml. The extract was administered to twenty –five (25) adult wistar rats at a dose of 1.2ml/kg/b.w, S.C daily for 90 days. The blood parameters were determined by the methods of Dacie and Lewis, and of Ibu and Adeniyi.
Results: The bleeding time, clotting time, haemoglobin level, haematocrit, red blood cell count., MCV, MCH and MCHC were determined. There was a raised BT in treated rates compared to control even though within the normal range. MCV and MCH were only slightly reduced.
Conclusion: Castor seed does not adversely affect haematological parameters.
KEY WORDS: Ricinus communis, Castor, Blood, Rats.
Highland Medical Research Journal Vol.2(1) 2004: 14-16