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Clinical Risk factors for deep vein thrombosis in Maiduguri - Nigeria
Materials and Methods: Twenty-two (22) cases of DVT seen at the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital (UMTH) from 1996 to 1999 were retrospectively analysed with respect to the pattern of DVT and associated clinical risk factors as documented at diagnosis.
Results: The frequencies of individual risk factors among the 22 patients studied included obesity in 15 (68%) patients, abdominal operation in 6 (27%) patients, pelvic operation in 5 (23%) patients, advancing age greater than 45 years in 4 (18%) patients, puerperium in 4 (18%) patients, SCD in 2 (9%) patients, HIV infection in 2 (9%) patients and SLE in 1 (5%) patient. No risk factors were identified in 2 (9%) patients. The left lower limb was affected in 77% of cases while the remaining 23% of cases had right lower limb DVT. Proximal (iliofemoral) DVT was seen in 64% of cases while the remaining 36% of cases had distal (calf) DVT.
Conclusion: Proximal venous thrombosis affecting the left lower limb is the predominant clinical pattern of DVT in this study, while obesity, surgery, puerperium and advancing age are the commonest associated risk factors in the affected patients. There is therefore the need to consider prophylactic anticoagulation for puerperal and post-operative patients especially in those who are obese or older than 45 years.
KEY WORDS: Deep Vein Thrombosis, Risk Factors
Highland Medical Research Journal Vol.1(4) 2003: 9-16