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The Effect Of Ricinus Communis Variety Minor On Reproductive Organs Of The Wistar Rat And Haematological Indicies In Women Volunteers
MATERIALS AND METHOD: The seed extract of Ricinus Communis variety minor given in a dose of 1.2kg/kg body weight to female wistar rats subcutaneously. The oestrous cycle were studied and the ovaries and uteri were obtained , fixed in Boiun`s fluid and prepared for Haematoxylin and Eosin(H&E) stining for histology. Similarly, the ante cubital venous blood of women already on the seed as a means of family planning were obtained and their haematological indices determined.
RESULTS.: Thee estrous cycle of the rats were distorted. Furthermore, this seed extract induced changes in the ovarian and uterine histology, which may be due partly to alteration in the estrogen/ progesterone balance, as well as direct effect on these reproductive organs. Hematological indices were not affected in women volunteers who have been on the plant seed of as 3 seeds as a single dose as a means of family planning.
CONCLUSION: The seed extract distorted the oestrous cyclce of the female wistar rat. It did not adversely affect the haematologic indicies which may suggest its safety from some known haematological complications of family planning pills such as thrombo embolism etc.
KEY WORDS: Ricinus communis, Reproductive organs, women volunteers.
Highland Medical Research Journal Vol.1(3) 2003: 31-34