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Urticarial Reactions In Multi Transfused Patients In University Of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital, Maiduguri, Borno State
Materials and Methods: A total of 154 multi transfused patients who received transfusions during the period 1997 2001 at the UMTH were studied with respect to the incidence, time of onset and clinical severity of UTR in relation to the cumulative number of previously transfused units of blood.
Results: The overall incidence of UTR among all patients irrespective of number of previous transfusions was 7%. However, analyzing the data with respect to the number of previously transfused units of blood, the incidence of UTR were 0%, 3%, 10%, 17% and 27% among patients who were previously transfused with 3 7, 8 12, 13 17, 18 22 and 23 27 units of blood respectively. All cases of UTR in the affected patients were clinically mild manifesting with urticarial rashes and pruritis without any features of anaphylaxis irrespective of the number of previous transfusions. The mean duration of time between the start of transfusion and onset of UTR among all affected patients was 35 minutes. However, the mean duration of time between the start of transfusion and onset of UTR varied with number of previous transfusions where patients who had previous transfusions with 8 12, 13 17, 18 22 and 23 27 units of blood reacted after a mean time of 53, 40, 27 and 17 minutes respectively.
Conclusion: This data would suggest that blood transfusion is an important sensitizing event in the development of UTR and the risk increases with the number of previous transfusions. Therefore, multi transfused patients need closer observation during transfusion therapy.
KEY WORDS: Urticarial Reaction, Multiple Transfusions
Highland Medical Research Journal Vol.1(3) 2003: 23-27