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Mortality In A Nigerian Teaching Hospital: Experience At Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH) 1995-1999
Methods: All record of death in hospital admission were record between 1995-1999. Demographic information were obtained from the patient files. The data were broken into diagnosis, age range, mean age for each group at intervals of 5years, percentage of death for each ward were determined.
Result: A total of seventy thousand two hundred and twenty eight {70,228} admission was recorded under the period of study. A total of 3;980 deaths were recorded which accounted for5.7 percent of total admission .The analysis showed that medical ward recorded highest death rate {71.5%} in the hospital .in the medical ward HIV related disease account for the highest death {23.3%} following by chronic liver disease , neoplasia and cardiovascular disease which accounted for, 20.0%,19.6% and
18.2% respectively
Deaths; malnutrition in paediatric ward accounted for 14.2% of hospital deaths;
Malnutrition and infection accounted for highest causes of death in paediatric ward. Death in surgery and obstetric and Gynaecology accounted for 9.3 and 5 percent respectively.
Conclusion: The study clearly shows that infectious disease still account for the highest mortality in our teaching hospital.
The authors are of the option that the government of attention to preventive medical health care and improvement in the living condition of its citizens.
Key words:-Mortality, Teaching Hospitals, jos.
Highland Medical Research Journal Vol.1(2) 2002: 16-18