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Air pollution and hospitalization for respiratory diseases among children in Isfahan, Iran
Methods: Hospital admission data were collected ret-rospectively from 120 randomly selected respiratory patients in Pediatric wards from the main referral hos-pital in Isfahan from March 2005 -2006, and simulta-neous air pollution data were collected from two moni-toring stations located in south and north parts of the city.
Results: The result of statistical modeling using gener-alized linear Poisson regression showed that PM10 and sulfur dioxide (SO2) concentrations had statistically significant positive association with number of respira-tory admissions of children.
Conclusion: This study confirms the findings of previ-ous studies about the association of air pollutants’ lev-els with hospitalization because of respiratory diseases in young children. Air pollution continues to pose a threat to public health notably in the paediatric age group, and underscores the need to re-examine national environmental health policies and standards in devel-oping countries.