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Amodiaquine-associated adverse effects after inadvertent overdose and after a standard therapeutic dose
concentrations of N-desethylamodiaquine and N-bisdesethylamodiaquine, the main metabolites of amodiaquine, were normal. No other drugs were detectable in the plasma of these two subjects after further toxicological screening. These observations, which suggest altered metabolism in the subject with an acute
dystonic reaction, support the assertion that amodiaquine- associated dystonia is an idiosyncratic reaction. However, the occurrence of bradycardia after a standard dose of amodiaquine, which coincided with
the time of expected peak concentrations of the active metabolite of amodiaquine, suggests a direct drug effect. These less reported adverse effects are likely to increase in parallel with the increased use of amodiaquine as a partner drug for combination therapy of malaria in Ghana. Further studies aimed at elucidating the mechanisms underlying these effects are, therefore, required.