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Sero-epidemiology of toxoplasmosis amongst pregnant women in the greater Accra region of Ghana
Each of the 159 randomly selected serum samples was tested for specific anti-Toxoplasma (anti-T. gondii) antibodies IgG, IgA and IgM using a commercial ELISA kit (Calbiotech Inc., CA). ELISA results were correlated with exposure to possible infection risk factors
as well as age and pregnancy-related risk factors. Results: The 159 women aged 15-40 years in their first, second and third trimesters, numbered 29, 70 and 60, respectively. An overall anti-T. gondii antibodies IgG, IgA and IgM seroprevalence of 92.5% (147/159)
was recorded, with 4.1% (6/147) of them having anti- IgG only. The remaining 88.7% (141/159) had anti- Toxoplasma antibodies IgG, IgA and IgM in various combinations and consisted of 17.7% (25/141) in their first, 44.0% (62/141) in their second, and 38.3% (54/141) in their third, trimesters. Twelve women (7.6%) were seronegative for all 3 antibodies Conclusions: Seroprevalence was high among the women and exposure to contact with cats’ faeces was found to be the major T. gondii infection risk factor. Age and pregnancy-related risk factors did not have association with T. gondii infection within the limitations
of this study.