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Some Environmental Issues of Inland Valleys: A Case Study
Such a situation can affect crop physiology and produce quality. This study was therefore carried out to ascertain the extent of heavy metal accumulation in Anum inland valley which fringed a mining concession at Konongo in Ghana. The study revealed that accumulation of heavy metals particularly iron and lead occurred in soils and crops, a phenomenon that can result in reduction of crop quality and yield from such valleys. The concentration of lead in the rice tissue was between 2 mg/kg and 13 mg/kg while that of iron was between 1400 mg/kg and 4500 mg/kg. The study concluded that inland valleys can be real environmental liability because produce from such valleys can be polluted and hence can be a source of social conflict particularly when they fringe mineral concessions as the adverse impacts could be unfortunately attributed to mining activity and similar land uses. Hence, development of a mine in such areas requires a comprehensive environmental impact assessment to ascertain the environmental quality of the adjoining inland valleys to prevent social conflict with the host community.