This paper assesses the contribution of the public library system in Ghana in general and the Ashanti Regional Library, Kumasi in particular in providing educational, cultural and recreational services to its users. It traces the development of the library since its establishment in 1951. In particular, it looks at how far the library is meeting the information needs of users in the metropolis and the entire region. Data for the study were obtained through personal observation in the library for a period of five months ( from June to November, 2009); questionnaires for the Regional Librarian and staff as well as an interview with a former employee of the library and the Metropolitan Director of Education. It was observed that the library is facing serious challenges such as inadequate qualified staff, inadequate book stock and seats for users in the library, lack of photocopying facilities as well as poor funding. Based on the challenges identified, appropriate recommendations are made with the view of bringing about general improvement in the library.