Biodiversity is an important part of a complex urban ecosystem and provides significant ecosystem services. It benefits urban communities environmentally, esthetically, recreationally and economically. Variations in land use and development have generated green spaces of different distribution and composition. While the development has continued, the infrastructure and urban areas being developed have substantial impact on biodiversity. The paper examined the types of urban green space and the level of sustainability that has been achieved within its setting in terms of biodiversity conservation in the midst of developing infrastructure in Calabar, Cross River State. The aim is to determine the type and spatial context of urban green space in the study area, the number of developmental activities and managing strategies in sustaining biodiversity. To achieve these objectives, observations, data collection and analysis were carried out; ortho-photographs were used to determine the spatial attributes of the green spaces. The result showed that infrastructure projects have a dramatic impact on biodiversity. If the contribution of urban green spaces to future generation is to be justified, then urban environmental asset will always be deemed to be poor substitutes. Land use planning, environmental impact assessment and contracting supervisory role to credible companies or individuals with good asset base are the principal tools for avoiding or minimizing the adverse impacts of infrastructure development on biodiversity. The ability to maintain and make the most beneficial use of biodiversity depends on using and managing biodiversity sustainably in other activities where the production of goods and services for human consumption is the principal objective.