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Nationalism And Proxy Wars In The Russian- Ukraine Crisis

Gabriel T Abumbe
Okehi Nwamaka Somy
Ngbongha Victoria Agbor
William Ernest Etim Bassey


The assertion by states over authority in regions critical to their perceived absolute and eternal power are often viewed as threats to sovereignty. Such claims can sometimes aim to protect cultural heritage or, at other times, transform into geopolitical obsessions. Russia's invasion of Ukraine represents both an effort to preserve its historical heritage and a manifestation of geopolitical ambition. This study therefore examines the complex interplay of nationalism and geopolitical strategies in the Ukrainian crisis. The study uses the qualitative approach for data analysis. It relies on upon, data gathered through secondary sources, and is reinforced with the argument on the new nationalism theoretical framework of analysis to explore Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The paper recognizes the strategic position of Ukraine for both Russia and the West but argued that the country was, caught between European cultural influence and Soviet legacy, which over the years has been exploited by the “West” to construct artificial nationalist barriers aimed at excluding Russia from Europe's political sphere. Ukraine's ability to navigate between two competing states' security is contingent upon its dominance over several states. The social orientation desired by Ukrainian society is the primary determinant of who will wield this authority. The state(s) that have influence over Ukraine's geopolitics can exert security pressure on the opposing state(s). Thus, Ukraine's geopolitical location serves as the focal point of Eurasian security. Consequently, a competition for survival has arisen, resulting in a debilitating impact, where Russia's intense focus on geopolitical matters is utilized and implemented through many identities. The primary objective is to establish a distinct “Western” Ukraine that is clearly separated from Russia, aligns with European nationalism, and maintains its historical dynamics. Consequently, the war has transformed into a battleground where Ukrainians demonstrate their European identity as a nation. How these events will unfold will depend on how the Ukraine government face Trumph’s proposition to end the war.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2992-4472
print ISSN: 1596-6216