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The Silent Crises: Unveiling Young Women’s Perspectives On Unsafe Abortion In The Cape Coast Metropolis, Ghana

Patience Pensang Adowaa
Solomon Sika Bright
Daniel Ampem Darko Asumadu


Background: Unsafe abortion, as a reproductive health issue, has been widely reported as posing a significant danger to the health of young women worldwide.

Objective: Using the theory of planned behaviour as a lens, the study explored the knowledge and attitudes of young women on unsafe abortion practices in the Cape Coast Metropolis of Ghana.

Methods: Guided by the interpretivist philosophy, the researchers employed an exploratory design utilising data collected from 21 participants through in-depth interviews.

Results: The study revealed that, aborters had little knowledge on safe abortion given that the first point of contact were their sexual partners, friends and guardians who ultimately influenced their decision to engage in unsafe abortion. The study also discovered that education, financial problems, religion and age were the major reasons why young women went for unorthodox abortion method.

Conclusions: The desire to further education and to avoid stigmatisation stood out as major reasons why young women opted for unsafe abortion methods. The study recommended the need for stakeholder institutions like the Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana, Ministry of Health, Government of Ghana and related non-governmental organisations to intensify and widen enlightenment on safe abortion practices to the general populace.



Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2992-4472
print ISSN: 1596-6216