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Unsung Heroes: The Private And Public Troubles Of Family Caregivers In Ghana’s Mental Health Landscape
Background: The role of family caregivers (FCs) in the care for persons with mental illness is akin to numerous challenges. These challenges stem from dominant cultural beliefs which have shaped individual perceptions about mental illness.
Aims: The study explored the personal, social, economic and health challenges that family caregivers face while caring for relatives with mental illness at the Ankaful Psychiatric Hospital in Ghana. The symbolic interactionism perspective served as the theoretical lens for the study.
Methods: Guided by the qualitative research design, the study purposively selected and interviewed 15 family caregivers with mentally ill relatives at the facility.
Results: The study revealed that the roles of family caregivers casted a shadow on their personal, social and economic lives since they wallowed in chronic stigmatisation, social discrimination, social exclusion, negative labelling and financial constraints. FCs avoided social events to swear off public ridicule ensuing from their roles as caregivers.
Conclusion: Caring for persons with mental illness places an enormous burden on family caregivers in every facet of their lives. The combined impact on their personal wellbeing, financial stability, social relationship, coupled with lack of family support, highlights the urgent need for better support systems.