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Empirical Evidence Of Push Factors And Obstacles Of Conference Attendance Among Academics In University Of Calabar
An essential aspect in the career life of academics is the need for continuous learning through seral avenues of professional development. Conferences remains one of the routine and constant mechanism employed by academics to learn, interact, socialize and collaborate with their counterparts within and outside the country. Despite, its relative importance and role in the career progression of academic some academics still find it difficult to participate in conferences. Those who do are sometimes motivated by reason other than core academic ones. This study assessed the push/pull factors and challenges of conference attendance among Nigerian academics in University of Calabar. To achieve the purpose of this study two research questions where formulated. Relevant literature was reviewed. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study and the population of the study comprised of all lecturers in university of Calabar. Eight hundred and fiftyone (851) were randomly selected as sample for the study. ‘Academic Staff Conference Attendance Survey’ (ASCAS) was used as instrument for data collection after being subject validity and reliability test, the instrument yielded Cronbach’s Alpha reliability estimates ranging from .70-.84 across the variables. The data collected was analyzed using percentages, charts and percentage rank. The results emanating from the study showed that the push factors for conference attendance include learning new knowledge, learning from experts, as a criterion for academic staff assessment and promotion appraisals, networking and collaboration for research and grant. On the other hand, lack of funds and institutional support were identified as prominent factors hindering academics participation in conferences. It was recommended that; government institutions should increase financial support for conferences attendance.