This paper derives from the contemporary concern facing good governance and the sustainability of democratic government in Nigeria. The phenomenon of corruption i.e. bureaucratic corruption has negative implications on the nation and therefore capable of terminating our nascent democracy, hence, the need to curb or reduce to the bearest minimum the menace of corruption in the country. The paper examines the effects of bureaucratic corruption on the socio-economic as well as the political development of the nation and concludes that no democracy can thrive or survive where pervasive corruption is an enduring feature of such a nation, hence, recommends among others the need to “fight” corruption at all levels of government. This fight must be a collective responsibility of all Nigerians and not an exclusive preserve of the government. By so doing, the country will attain a higher level of development in the 21st century and beyond.
Keywords: bureaucratic corruption, anticorruption, socio-economic,strategies in Nigeria
Global Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 4(1&2) 2005: 21-25