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Expulsion Of ECOWAS Citizens Under The Buhari Regime (1983-85): Legal And Economic Perspectives
a) To what extent did Nigeria's efforts to regulate the movement of ECOWAS citizens across her borders violate its commitment to ECOWAS Treaty on movement of persons and goods?
b) To what extent did Nigeria accept limitation on her right to regulate same?
c) In what ways did Nigeria's economic security interest a major factor in controlling the movement of persons into Nigeria?
The purpose of the paper is three-fold. First, it seeks to take a cursory look at the conflict between the Nigerian constitutional provisions and the country's legal and moral obligations to the ECOWAS Treaty. Second, it will attempt to show through a discussion of how Nigeria can manage the tight-rope road of observing the provisions of the ECOWAS Treaty without at the same time sacrificing its sovereignty. The paper concludes that the rationale for the expulsion of the so-called illegal aliens from Nigeria by the Buhari regime was motivated by the problem of enforcement of the provisions of ECOWAS Treaty on movement of persons within the West African sub-region.
KEY WORDS: Illegal, aliens, expulsion, immigration, obligation, multilateral.
Global Journal of Social Sciences Vol.3(1&2) 2004: 21-27