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Challenges of local governance institutions on peace building in Africa: empirical insights from southwestern Nigeria
This paper analyses the challenges confronting local governance institutions on peace building strategies using Southwestern Nigeria as a reference point. It puts the challenges of peace building strageies in institutional perspectives and intervening tendencies of foreign agencies in Africa. It examines Lederach’s structural framework under the theoretical discourse as an underlying assumption for peace building challenges. However, primary data were collected and analysed for the empirical insight using Relative Impact Index and content analysis methods. This paper reveals that lack of shared vision (RII = 3.49), finances (RII = 3.34), poor information communication network (RII = 3.26), and deficiency of institutional arrangement (RII = 3.24) are the foremost challenges facing local governance institutions on peace building in South western Nigeria; with greater emphasis on poor value system and non-compliance with traditional customs. It therefore concludes that the peace building strategies are susceptible to unfavourable conditions by activities of governance institutions at the local level. It thus recommends that formal and informal institutions at the local level should share a common vision which will serve as a driving force for the pursuit of peace building agenda in Africa.
Keywords: Local Governance, Conflict Resolution, Peace Building, Local Institutions, Peace building Strategies, and Local Governance Institutions