The cyanogenic glycoside levels of four relatively new Ghanaian cassava cultivars were determined spectrophotometrically. The mean values obtained were 393.8, 548.9, 702.1 and 424.7 p.p.m. for Afisiafi, Abasafitaa, IITA9904 and Tech Bankye, respectively. The effects of sun-drying and a combination of soaking and sun-drying on the cyanogenic glycoside content were investigated. Soaking in water for 24 h followed by sun-drying for 24 h resulted in a 63 –74 per cent reduction in cyanogenic glycoside levels compared with 27 – 64 per cent reduction after sun-drying for 48 h. The results showed a significant reduction in cyanide potential of all the varieties following sun-drying and the combination of soaking and sun-drying (P < 0.05). The combination of soaking and sun-drying was more effective than sun-drying alone.