Nutritive value of three infant diets formulated from composite flour of germinated African yam bean and bambara groundnut were evaluated using Nutrend Nestle infant food as a standard. The proximate analysis showed the values of the test diets and Nutrend as protein (21.38%, 22.23%, 23 .63%, 16.41 %); carbohydrates (54o/o, 54.21 %, 53.28%, 70.13%); lipids (7.51%,6. 73o/o, 6.30%, 3.01%, 0.80%); moisture (10.33%, 10.63%, 10.55%, 7.55%); fibre (2.94%, 3.01%, 3.01%, 0.80%); ash (2.98%, 3.20%, 3.10%,}_and caloric value (372.5%, 366.3%, 364.7%, 364.3%) Kcal/JOO g, respectively. The minerals and vitamins' value in test diets were potassium (981.0- 1132) mg/100 g; sodium (210.51 - 315.0) mg/100 g; calcium (513.10 - 592.10) mg/100 g; magnesium (41 .10-49.41); mg/IOOg; phosphorus (20.10-27.06) mg/100 g; vitaminA(0.52-0.76, 0.05) mg/100 g; and vitamin C (5.12-5.84, 0.65) mg/JOO g. Results of the study indicated a high nutritive value for the test diets which could adequately meet the protein and energy requirements of infants if used as weaning foods. Diet I (Africa yam bean: bambara groundnut ratio 1:4) was recommended as the best formulation.