Catch composition and efficiency of major fishing gears viz; gillnets, basket traps, net traps and ‘atidza’ (brush park), deployed by fishers on the Volta lake at Dzemeni (Stratum II), was assessed over a 16-month period to determine how their deployment can impact on the fish stocks. Fifty thousand seven hundred and ninety four individual specimens were recorded during the study period. This represented 13 taxonomic families, 21 genera and 32 fish species. Only five genera constituted 95 per cent and 84 per cent by number and weight, respectively, of the total catch. Chrysichthys spp. was the most abundant genus (59.1%) followed by the tilapias (15.7%), Hydrocynus spp. (9.7%), Synodontis spp. (8.8%) and Bagrus spp. (2.6%). Catches by ‘atidza’ and basket traps were predominantly Tilapias and Chrysichthys spp., respectively, while that by gillnets and net traps were more heterogeneous. The highest catch of 20 t during the period was made by basket traps, while that from the other gears ranged from 0.33 to 6 t indicating that basket traps were very efficient. Knowledge about the catch composition by the various gears and their efficiency will help to regulate their use when it comes to formulating measures to manage the fisheries of the lake.