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Missionaries from the Nations: A Linguistic Analysis of Isaiah 66:18-21

Elisha Kwabena Marfo


Through linguistic analysis, this article argues that Isa 66:18-19 proclaim of YHWH’s כָּבוֹד, which occurs thrice in the passage, emphasizes God’s divine plan to reveal Himself and His glory to the peoples of the nations and all humanity in general. YHWH’s mission is a global mission based on personal salvation that the nations enjoy from God. The missionaries are both Israel and the Gentiles, and their mission field is the peoples of all nations and languages. As the nations see the כָּבוֹד of YHWH, God’s plans for the nations and the world as a whole is realized. When YHWH’s כָּבוֹד is grasped by the people and then proclaimed among the nations, the outcome of YHWH’s mission for His servant, Israel, and the nations are achieved, and His sovereignty in the universe is established. YHWH’s message of His glory and goodness to humanity reaches everywhere, even to the remotest places where His name has not been heard. As an outcome, all humanity comes to know the only true God and recognizes what this only one true God has done.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2616-1591
print ISSN: 0855-7942