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A Rhetorical Study of 1 Chronicles 29:1-25 And its Implications for Charismatic Leadership

Mark Aidoo


This paper proposes that intuitive divination is an essential trait of charismatic political leadership. It argues that both Charismatic leadership and intuitive divination are expressed within divine calling, extraordinary acting, deliberation, and persuasive speech and that they all engage the principles of intelligence, manipulative speech, and sacrifice to capture the commitment of followers and influence them to take an action. It looks at the relevance of such a proposition in David’s actions toward the accession of Solomon to the throne in 1 Chronicles 29:1-25 and some Charismatic leaders in Ghana. Such common characteristics highlight the complex roles and definitions of leadership.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2616-1591
print ISSN: 0855-7942