Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences2025-03-05T10:07:59+00:00Prof. Barth N. Ekwuemeglobaljournalseries@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p><em>Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences</em> is a multi-disciplinary specialist journal aimed at promoting research in Biological Science, Agricultural Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences and Medicine.</p> <p>Visit the Global Journal Series website here: <a href=""></a></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Articles are indexed on Chemical Abstracts(USA), CAB Abstract, African Geology, Zoological Records, African Journal Online (AJOL), Google Scholar, EBSCO and Proquest</span></p> And Passion For Lecturing (1982-2024) Valedictory Lecture2025-03-01T08:39:37+00:00Barth Nwoye<p>Life as an academician is one of the most fulfilling on earth. However, motivation is necessary for one to accept to be a lecturer. Successful academicians are those whose priority in life is not acquisition of wealth but imparting of knowledge on others, research and dissemination of research findings through publications and conferences.</p> <p>The author was motivated to become a lecturer by <strong>Prof. Anthony Chukwuma Onyeagocha</strong> his mentor and academic father. He encouraged him to accept this profession through prophecies that were eventually fulfilled and strict teaching which made him imbibe the virtues of integrity, passion, hard work and determination to succeed. As a result, the author rose, in spite of obstacles, from Assistant lecturer in 1982 to Professor in 1994. Humility and commitment to the ideals of thorough academicians led to this success and enabled him in his turn to mentor and produce academicians who are also Professors. One year after been promoted Professor, the author established Global Journal Series to help young academics to climb fast to the top of the academic ladder. He learned from his supervisor never to be harsh or to oppress any student under his care. The prayers of these students and the Grace of God enabled the author to attend 67 learned conferences during which he presented papers visiting every continent of the world. He capped it with 121 publications including 25 books before his retirement on 5<sup>th</sup> November 2024 after forty two years, eight months of meritorious service to the academia in University of Calabar, Nigeria and other Universities where he served as Professor on sabbatical leave.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 To Write A Scholarly Article That Satisfies Referees Expectations For Publications: A Case Study Of Global Journal Series2025-03-01T08:44:33+00:00Ajake Uchenna<p>Publishing scholarly articles in reputable journals is a very crucial milestone in academic career. However, navigating the peer-review process can be very difficult and frustrating for early – career researchers. When referees’ expectations for publications are unclear the risk of rejection of articles will be very high. Therefore, to increase scholarly articles that satisfy referees expectations for publication, requires careful planning, research and attention to details. Hence, this paper seeks to delve into the following areas: Pre-writing stage, writing stage, literature review, methodology, results conclusion and recommendation.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p> </p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Geo-Resources In Pan-African Pegmatites Of Nigeria - An Evaluation Of Their Geological And Geochemical Characteristics And Implications For Mineral Exploration2025-03-05T10:07:59+00:00Moses A<p>Nigeria has recently witnessed the discovery of several high grade lithium deposits in pegmatites of Late Proterozoic (Pan-African} age. The lithium- bearing rare-metal pegmatites occur as dykes and sill-like bodies of relatively small dimensions (averaging 500m x 20m x 100m) intersecting mostly low to medium-grade metasediments and metavolcanics of Nigeria's Proterozoic “Schist Belts’. These pegmatites are structurally controlled and belong in chemical composition to the Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum (LCT) family of pegmatites and most commonly enriched in the lithophile elements and mineralized in places with Li, Nb-Ta, Sn and Be. Their distribution is confined mainly to a broad WSW-ENE trending zone within the Precambrian basement complex which is now designated as a metallogenic “pegmatite province” regarded as a northeastern extension of the well-known Eastern Brazilian Pegmatite Province (EBPP). Commercial deposits of lithium, first reported in Nigeria in 2018, have been observed in at least six states, namely; Oyo, Kwara, Kogi, Ekiti, Nasarawa, Kaduna and the Federal Capital Territory. Other states with lithium prospects of unknown economic value are Cross River, Bauchi, Niger, Edo and Taraba. Lithium mineralization occurs as disseminated crystals, mineral veins and felted masses or clusters of the main ore minerals, spodumene and lepidolite, with scattered crystals of the minor minerals; polylithionite, amblygonite and petalite. Apparently, there is some sort of regional zoning in the distribution of the lithium minerals in which spodumene is dominant over lepidolite in the southwest region of Oyo and Kwara states (spodumene>>lepidolite); lepidolite is almost exclusive in the west-central region of Kogi and Ekiti States, while lepidolite and polylithionite (both Li micas) exceed or equal spodumene abundance (lepidolite>spodumene) in most parts of the north-central region of Nasarawa and south Kaduna State. The deposits are relatively high grade, ranging from <0.5% Li<sub>2</sub>O to up to 13% Li<sub>2</sub>O, with the high-end values being attributed mostly to surficial enrichment. The globally accepted cut-off grade for lithium is 0.4% Li<sub>2</sub>O. This paper evaluates the geological and geochemical characteristics of the LCT rare-metal pegmatites, and the mode of occurrence of the lithium mineralization and their economic potential. There is an apparent relationship between lithium mineralization and the presence of low to medium-grade metasedimentary host rocks of the Proterozoic schist belts. Most of the lithium pegmatites do not show any spatial, temporal or genetic relationship with the well-known Pan-African granites (aka Older Granites). It is surmised that the lithium pegmatites are mostly of anatectic origin, derived from partial melting and anatexis of Al-rich and Li-rich metapelites during low to medium-grade regional metamorphism, followed by fractionation of the pegmatite melts in the waning and post-tectonic phase of the Pan-African collisional orogeny. The implications of these preliminary findings on mineral exploration strategies and systematics are briefly discussed.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong> </strong></p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Of The Concentration Of Chemical Elements And Water Quality Index Of Shallow Groundwater In Parts Of Mangu Area, North Central Nigeria2025-03-01T08:58:29+00:00Mangs A Dglobaljournalseries@gmail.comDibal H Uglobaljournalseries@gmail.comPobes F<p>The study area Mangu and environs in Central Plateau State, is defined by latitudes 9<sup>O</sup>.28¹ to 9<sup>O</sup>.36¹ and longitudes 8<sup>O</sup>.51¹ to 8<sup>O</sup>.57¹. The inhabitants of the area depend mostly on groundwater from hand dug wells and boreholes (hand pumps) for most domestic and small-scale irrigation activities. These groundwater sources are located close to pollution point sources which may serve as threat to their quality. The aim of the study was to determine concentration and water quality indices of groundwater sources in the area. Twenty groundwater samples were collected in the dry season from shallow sources used for drinking and other uses. Physical parameters – pH, TDS, conductivity, and temperature) – were determined in the field with the HACH KITS. Major and trace elements were determined with the use of Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrophotometer and anions (HCO<sub>3</sub>, Cl and NO<sub>3</sub>) by titration methods, while SO<sub>4</sub> was determined using double UV-visible spectrophotometer (Hitachi model 2000). Concentration of physical parameters and major elements vary for the different sources but are higher for most of the shallow groundwater sources within the Mangu Central Area, where the population is dense and human activities are high. The trace elements are, however, generally low for all sources. Gibbs plot indicates the source of elements in the water to be dominantly from rock weathering dominance. Factor analysis and water types suggest sources of elements to be from both rock-water interaction and anthropogenic activities. The contribution of anthropogenic activities is confirmed by the high concentration of chloride, nitrate, and sulphate. Effluent discharges from the Mangu Abattoir, septic tanks and pit latrines and indiscriminate disposal of solid wastes, could be responsible for the high concentrations. The Water Quality Index ranged from 7.36 - 66.55 and classified the water as 30% excellent, 50% good, 15% poor and 5% unsuitable for drinking. The waters are generally hard and not suitable for laundry purpose but may be beneficial for optimal function of the heart. This work recommends the determination of bacteriological content of the waters, owing to the high content of nitrate, chloride, and sulphate in some of the sources.</p> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p> <p> </p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Of Seasonal Variations In Groundwater Quality And Its Suitability For Agricultural Use In Keffi, North-Central Nigeria 2025-03-01T09:33:15+00:00Ebenezer A Kudamnyaglobaljournalseries@gmail.comAneikan A Edetglobaljournalseries@gmail.comAzubuike S<p>Groundwater within the Basement Complex terrain of Keffi and its environs was assessed for seasonal variation, quality for domestic and agricultural uses. A total of sixty-three groundwater samples were collected during wet and dry seasons, and major ion constituents were analyzed. Results showed that values of the analyzed parameters during the wet and dry seasons are within WHO permissible limit, except for NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup>. Major cation constituents during both seasons occur in order Ca<sup>2+</sup> > Na<sup>+</sup> > Mg<sup>2+ </sup>> K<sup>+</sup>. In the wet season, major anions present in the groundwater occur in the order NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup> > HCO<sub>3</sub><sup>- </sup>> Cl<sup>-</sup> > SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup>, while in the dry season it is NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup> > Cl<sup>-</sup> > SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup> > HCO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup>. These major ions are released into the groundwater system owing to the rock-water interaction during weathering of the host rock. The study showed that groundwater in the area is of good to excellent quality, and hence suitable for domestic use as illustrated by the water quality index (WQI) model adopted in this study during both seasons. In terms of the agricultural indices (total hardness, TH; sodium percentage, %Na; sodium absorption ratio SAR; magnesium hazard, MH; residual sodium carbonate, RSC; permeability index, PI) evaluated in both seasons, groundwater is suitable for agricultural use. Bivariate analysis suggests that during the wet and dry seasons, anthropogenic sources contribute to the excess NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup> in the groundwater through the application of fertilizer and pesticide, improper disposal of refuse, and indiscriminate open defecation over time.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <h1> </h1> <p> </p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Of Geology And Geological Structures On Blasting: Implications For Quarrying, Mining And Tunneling: A Review2025-03-01T14:10:38+00:00Victor E Nyongglobaljournalseries@gmail.comEsu O<p>Obtaining the desired fragmentation using minimum energy is usually the ultimate aim of every blasting operation done for quarrying, mining, tunneling or any other engineering construction purposes. Blasters mostly rely on explosive power and experience to achieve their objectives while little attention is paid to the rockmass conditions which include the presence and distribution of discontinuities like joints, fissure, foliation, schistosity, fault and bedding planes. This negligence may lead to detrimental effect like blast induced ground vibrations (BIGV), flyrocks and damage to adjacent structures. This paper presents a critical review on the influence of rockmass conditions on blasting and a stepwise approach that blasters can utilize, relying both on the type, distribution and orientation of discontinuities and explosive power to achieve better blasting output. A checklist is developed as a guide to follow in blasting operation.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p> </p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Characteristics And Heavy Mineral Analysis Of Surficial Sediments From Parts Of Igangan Sheet, Southwest Nigeria: Implication For Depositional Processes And Provenance Interpretation2025-03-03T16:24:04+00:00Okon Emmanuel<p>Grain size and heavy mineral analyses were carried out on some surficial sediment (colluviums and stream sediments) collected within parts of NW Igangan sheet with the aim of characterizing the depositional processes and provenance. A total of twenty five (25) samples were subjected to sedimentological analyses including lithological description, textural analysis, heavy mineral separation and petrological identification of heavies recovered. Results show that the sediments were angular to sub-rounded and grain sizes ranged from granules to fine grain sediments. The sediments ranged from poorly sorted to moderately well sorted (0.66-2.08 ϕ); and have kurtosis and skewness values ranging from 0.81 to 8.65 ϕ and -7.27 to 3.83 ϕ suggesting platykurtic to leptokurtic, and strongly coarse skewed to strongly fine skewed sediments respectively. With a total of 2289 heavy mineral counts, 49.6% were non-opaque and were used in heavy mineral analysis. The dominant heavy minerals were zircon accounting for 22.3%, tourmaline (18.0%) and rutile (13.1%). Zircon-Tourmaline-Rutile index computed for the samples ranged from 52% – 70% suggesting moderate maturity of the sediments. Other varieties of heavy minerals observed apart from the opaques include hornblende, garnet, glaucophane, staurolite, apatite and Kyanite. Such assemblage reflects a mixed source of igneous and metamorphic provenance most probably of the surrounding south-western Nigerian basement complex. Most of the heavy mineral were near euhedral in form and retain their original habit while some others appeared sub-rounded indicating short travel distance from provenance. Deductions from bivariate analysis were consistent with the environmental regime responsible for transportation of the sediment since they all point to fluvial environment</p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Thickness Distribution And 2d Depth Model Of The Ikom Basin, Southeastern Nigeria, Using High Resolution Aeromagnetic Data2025-03-03T16:41:52+00:00Ogbudu P Aglobaljournalseries@gmail.comOkon E Eglobaljournalseries@gmail.comUgar S Iglobaljournalseries@gmail.comLebo S Eglobaljournalseries@gmail.comAlo G Aglobaljournalseries@gmail.comOkereke C<p>This study, necessitated by the availability of high resolution data, presents sediment thickness distribution of Ikom Basin in southeastern Nigeria and a depth model of a profile across the basin, by analysing aeromagnetic data obtained from the Nigerian Geological Survey Agency (NGSA). The magnetic survey method is a cost effective non-invasive tool for investigating the bottom boundary of sedimentary basins. The method of study involved processing total magnetic intensity (TMI) data with source parameter imaging and standard Euler deconvolution for depth estimation. Power spectrum analysis was also carried out to obtain a cut off, used in designing the low pass filter which generated regional magnetic field. From the regional field, a profile was digitized and modelled. The results for sediment thickness estimation show that depth to basement surface is less than 100 m to over 5000 m with the central portion of the Ikom Basin being deepest. The western and eastern extremes of the basin are intruded having depth values ranging 0 – 150 m. Also, the 2 D inverse model of a SW - NE profile through the central part of the basin has sediment thickness of 1 – 4 km, a width of 30 km overlying intruded metamorphic basement. This knowledge about sediment thickness distribution can be applied in various aspects of geological studies including petroleum, geothermal, and mineral exploration. For petroleum investigation, the depocenter of the basin is the central part where thickness is over 5000 m.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p> </p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Attributes Of Selected Nigerian Coals: Implications For Grade And Utilization2025-03-03T17:07:00+00:00Onoduku U Sglobaljournalseries@gmail.comZakari A A Eglobaljournalseries@gmail.comAlabi A Aglobaljournalseries@gmail.comUnuevho C Iglobaljournalseries@gmail.comJimoh R<p>The geochemical attributes which include the proximate and ultimate characteristics of coals were analyzed on selected Nigerian coals to determine their grade and utilization. The key parameters analyzed included moisture content (MC), ash content (AC), volatile matter (VM), phosphorus (P), organic carbon (OC), fixed carbon (FC), total nitrogen (TN), total sulfur (TS), gross calorific value (GCV), and free swelling index (FSI). The conventional methods of coal analyses under the appropriate American Standard for Testing and Measurement (ASTM) and International Standard Organization (ISO) were employed in the coal analysis. The results of the various analyses revealed that moisture content varied across the coals, ash content indicated a significant range, suggesting varying degrees of mineral impurities, moderate to high volatile matter content, indicating good combustibility, phosphorus and organic carbon content varied widely, impacting the coal’s suitability for industrial applications, fixed carbon content reflected a range from lignite to bituminous coal, correlating with the samples’ energy potential, as indicated by GCV values. These values of the analyzed parameters classify the coals into lignites, sub-bituminous to bituminous grades with various possible utilizations based on the geochemical attributes of the studied coals.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p> </p> <p> </p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 And Geochemical Insights Into Exploration Potentials Of Kaolinitic Clay Deposits In Obudu Massif, South Eastern Nigeria2025-03-03T17:15:15+00:00Ulem E Bglobaljournalseries@gmail.comOyonga A Oglobaljournalseries@gmail.comAkiang F Bglobaljournalseries@gmail.comAgim F Bglobaljournalseries@gmail.comEbong D Eglobaljournalseries@gmail.comUlem C Aglobaljournalseries@gmail.comEyime E Eglobaljournalseries@gmail.comAbong A Aglobaljournalseries@gmail.comEdogi J Bglobaljournalseries@gmail.comAgbebia M Aglobaljournalseries@gmail.comAnthony E<p>Combining various techniques in delineating mineral deposits increases the chance of practical discovery and characterization of potential mineralization zones. Choosing a suitable dataset is a key factor for a detailed geophysical and geochemical mineralization mapping. geophysical and geochemical techniques have proven their effectiveness as tools for reliable mineral mapping. In this study, twenty (20) Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) stations were observed with maximum AB/2 of 300m and 5 transects electrical resistivity tomography traverses were conducted along selected profiles. The geoelectrical results revealed four to six electro-lithostratigraphic units. The electro-lithostratigraphic unit with resistivity varying between 10 Ωm and 90 Ωm were identified as kaolinite-rich zones. Samples of kaolinite collected were subjected to laboratory analyses ensuring their compliance with industrial standards. X-ray Diffraction (XRD) confirmed the presence of kaolinite as the dominant mineral, along with trace amounts of quartz and feldspar. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) revealed high concentrations of aluminum (Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>) 73. 5% and silicon (SiO<sub>2</sub>) 25.6% respectively. The low content of iron oxide (Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>) 0,8% and titanium dioxide (TiO<sub>2</sub>) 0.1% observed established the purity of the kaolinite. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) revealed well-formed kaolinite crystals with hexagonal platelets while the particle size distribution with the majority of particles being <2µm. The specific gravity (SG) test revealed an average 2.92kg on average and further support the high-quality index of the deposit. The findings revealed that the kaolinite deposits in Obudu Massif, Southeastern Nigeria possess the requisite quality and quantity for commercial exploitation. The geoelectrical resistivity method proved to be an effective tool for mapping and evaluating the deposits, offering a cost-efficient approach for preliminary exploration. This study provides a framework for future geoelectrical assessments of mineral deposits and underscores the potential economic benefits of developing kaolinite resources in the region.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p> </p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Insecurity And Psychosocial Behavior Among Undergraduates In Public Universities In Cross River State, Nigeria2025-03-03T17:36:38+00:00KALU G Uglobaljournalseries@gmail.comAJAKE U Eglobaljournalseries@gmail.comUGWU S<p>The main purpose of this study is to investigate financial insecurity and psychosocial behavior among undergraduates in public Universities in Cross River State, Nigeria. This purpose was achieved by using correctional survey research design, the study was guided by 1 research question and it’s corresponding null hypothesis. A sample of 403 undergraduates was drawn using stratified random sampling technique. For data collection; questionnaire titled Financial Insecurity and Psychosocial Behavior Questionnaire (FlPBQ) was the main instrument used for data collection. Reliability of the instrument was established using Cronbach alpha method yielded a coefficient of .78 and .81. Simple linear regression associated with Analysis of Variance, ANOVA were used in answering and testing the correspondent null hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. The result revealed that there was a significant prediction of financial insecurity on psychosocial behavior among undergraduates. It was recommended that financial literacy workshops and seminars should be organized to help students manage their finances and that budgeting, savings and investing skills be taught to help them mitigate financial insecurity. </p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p> </p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Of Plastic Materials In Agricultural Production Among Agro-Enterprise Owners In Cross River State, Nigeria2025-03-03T17:44:41+00:00Effiong J Bglobaljournalseries@gmail.comEtim O<p>This research assessed the utilization of plastic materials in agricultural production among agro-enterprise owners in Cross River State, Nigeria. It examined the socio-economic characteristics of agro-enterprise owners in the study area, identified plastic materials and the level of usage by enterprise owners in the study area, isolated the most used plastic materials among the selected enterprises in the study area and postulated practical measures as prospects for plastic agricultural development for Cross River State. A simple random and purposive sampling technique was used for the study. Both primary and secondary data were used; a researcher structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Data were obtained from 150 respondents from five selected agro-enterprises which are; processing and packaging enterprises, Vegetable farms/Gardens, Poultry farm enterprise, Nursery/horticultural enterprises, and Agro-marketing enterprises. Result revealed that respondents were educated (f=62, 41.35%), with the highest farming experience between 5 - 10 years (f=67; 44.68%) and monthly income between N21, 000 and N40, 000 (f = 55; 36.68%). Plastic products that are most utilized in the agricultural activities of vegetable farmers included; Plastic Basin (1.92), Jerry Can (1.72), Poly-ethyne Bag and Table (1.70).The use of Tarpauline Bags (1.92), Poly-ethyne Bags and Chair (1.86), Cup and Egg Crate (1.80) among agro-marketers, Egg Crates and Tapolyen Bags (1.94), Plastic Tanks (1.92) and Plastic Jerry Cans (1.80)among poultry enterprises. The study recommended the isolation and implementation of plastic policies that improves the socio-economic characteristics of farmers, as well as a remodeling approach to plastic utilization in agricultural development.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cost Benefit Analysis Of Climate Smart Aquaculture Fish Production Technologies In Ondo State, Nigeria 2025-03-03T17:58:23+00:00Akinola C Oglobaljournalseries@gmail.comInah M<p>Aquaculture contributes to the livelihood of the rural communities, improved nutrition and food supply, employment and income generation for the people around the world. Therefore, this study examined the socio-economic characteristics of aquaculture fish farmers, in the selected areas in Ondo state, Nigeria, identified the types of climate smart production technologies practiced in the study area, determine the cost and returns per fish farmers and identified the production constraints and benefits using climate smart practices for fish production in the study area. Data collected from 80 aquaculture fish farmers were analyzed, using descriptive statistics, gross margin analysis and Likert scale. Result showed that the mean age of the respondents is 43 years while approximately 73% of the respondents were men. Majority of the fish farms was owned by individual. Predominantly in the rainy and dry season Earthen ponds were used at approximately 22% and 20% followed closely by concrete pond lined with tarpaulin at about 21% and 17% respectively. The study revealed that 43% has aquaculture as their major occupation and means of livelihood. About 48% of the respondents own the land being used for the fish farm and 73% make use of their own labour. The average gross margin was 21,629574.70 naira the total cost amounted to 3,203,405.30 naira, average net farm income was 21,819,000.00 naira and feed cost accounted for 91% of TVC. Conclusively, fish production using smart technologies in the Ondo State is profitable and economically viable. Hence, Government should facilitate access to credit by fish farmers in the study area by review of strict lending polices of the formal lending institutions.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p> </p> <p> </p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Education And Entrepreneurship For National Development2025-03-03T18:03:35+00:00Igajah M Nglobaljournalseries@gmail.comEffiom A Pglobaljournalseries@gmail.comUmoh M Sglobaljournalseries@gmail.comEchu A<p>This study, Library Education and Entrepreneurship for National Development aimed to examine the level of library education skills and the students’ entrepreneurial attributes for the undergraduates of Library and Information Science, University of Calabar. It’s asserted that entrepreneurship education has become an integral part of contemporary education, the dynamic educational policy in the library education skills should be examine and upgraded constantly to enhance effectiveness in entrepreurship and development. The population of the study was 869 students from the department of Library and Information Science, University of Calabar. A survey research design and convenience sampling technique was adopted to obtain a reasonable proportional sample of 15% of the population (n = 130). Data was collected through the instrument; Library Education Entrepreneurship for National Development Questionnaire (LEENDQ). Based on the purpose of the study, three research questions were developed and the analysis was done through the use of frequency counts. From the findings, the level of library education skills for students entrepreneurial attributes was poor hence requires constant upgrading. It was recommended among others that University library staff should undergo regular training in modern library education and entrepreneurial skills; libraries should be adequately funded and upgraded with modern technology facilities for growth and sustainable development.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Factors And Social Adjustment Among Secondary School Students In Calabar Education Zone Of Cross River State, Nigeria2025-03-03T18:10:29+00:00Ugwu S Cglobaljournalseries@gmail.comKalu G<p>This study investigated the influence of personality factors (openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism) on students’ social adjustment in Calabar Education Zone. Literatures related to the variables under study were reviewed accordingly. The study adopted survey research design. The sample for this study comprised 710 senior secondary school three students randomly selected from 50 public secondary schools in Calabar Education Zone out of a population of 7,096 representing 10% of the students’ population. The instrument used in collecting data for the study was “Personality Factors and Students’ Social Adjustment Questionnaire” (PFSSAQ). The instrument was validated by two experts in Psychology and one expert in Measurement and Evaluation unit and the reliability of the instrument was determined using Cronbach Alpha method which gave coefficients that ranged from .74 and .86. Data collected from 687 out of the 710 students sampled in the study was analyzed using descriptive statistics, One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Independent t-test tested at .05 level of significance. The result of the analysis revealed that openness to experience, conscientiousness and agreeableness had significant positive influences on social adjustment among students in Calabar Education Zone while neuroticism has a significant negative influence on social adjustment. It was also revealed that students who are extroverts differ significantly from their counterparts who are introverts on social adjustment. Based on these, it was recommended among others that students should be encouraged to apply any of the personality traits principle dimensions to enable them unravel how it affect social adjustment which is very relevant in determining the degree of academic success.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Of Virtual Laboratory Instructional Strategy On Academic Achievement And Retention Of Chemistry Concept Among Senior Secondary School Students’ In Calabar South Local Government Area, Cross River State Nigeria2025-03-03T18:19:26+00:00Anari M Iglobaljournalseries@gmail.comNeji Hglobaljournalseries@gmail.comAgube C Cglobaljournalseries@gmail.comEkong J<p>The study examined the effect of virtual laboratory instructional strategy on academic achievement and retention among senior secondary school students in Calabar South, Nigeria. the study adopted quasi-experimental research design with a sample of 200 senior secondary II students selected using multi-staged sampling technique. Three research question and hypotheses guided the study. The instrument used for data collection was a chemistry achievement test (CAT) with a reliability index of 0.89 established with Kuder-Richardson R-20 the data collected was analysed using descriptive and ANCOVA statistics. The result indicated that there was a significant difference in the academic achievement scores of students in the concepts taught using Virtual laboratory and Conventional strategy in favour of those in the experimental group with The post-test - pre-test mean gain score differences of 34.70 and 26.60 respectively,. There was no statistically significant difference between the academic achievement of male and female students in the concepts taught given the instructional strategies used. There was a significant difference in the retention of students in the concepts taught given both strategies. The mean score shows the significance was in favour of students in virtual laboratory group. This is attributed to the strategy being student centred which engages students in activities that excite their cognitive abilities and promote deep learning, making students active participant in the construction of knowledge. It was recommended that chemistry teachers adopt the use of virtual laboratory to enhance chemistry teaching and learning.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Relationship, And Biology Achievement Of Senior Secondary School Students In Ikom Education Zone Of Cross River State, Nigeria2025-03-04T11:02:20+00:00Egu A Uglobaljournalseries@gmail.comAsuquo I Mglobaljournalseries@gmail.comBajon R<p>The study was aimed at investigating teacher-student relationship, as related to Biology achievement of senior secondary school students in Ikom Education Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria. A hypothesis was formulated to direct the study. Literature review was done accordingly. Ex-post facto research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study consisted of all the 2346 senior secondary school two (SS2) students of 2018/2019 academic session offering Biology in the 93 public secondary schools in the Zone. The total number of public secondary schools in the zone was 93. The study adopted stratified and simple random sampling techniques. The sample consisted of 360 (SS2) biology students drawn from twelve public secondary schools using stratified and simple random sampling techniques. The research instruments were Teacher-Student Relationship Questionnaire (TSRQ) and Biology Achievement Test (BAT). The face and content validities were ensured in this study. Cronbach Alpha and Kuder Richardson formula 20 (KR-20) were the methods used for estimating reliability of instrument for the study. The reliability coefficients were 0.701 for teacher-student relationship, and 0.816 for BAT. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient was used to analyze the hypothesis at 358 degrees of freedom and 0.05 level of significance. The result indicated a significant relationship between teacher-student relationship, and academic achievement in Biology. Based on the findings, it was concluded that Teacher-student relationship in the class during teaching and learning processes influences students’ academic achievement in biology. It was recommended among others that school administrators should promote a fair teacher-student relationship in the school.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ethical Relationship In Basic Education In Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State, Nigeria2025-03-04T16:46:04+00:00Anakwue A Lglobaljournalseries@gmail.comIdika D Oglobaljournalseries@gmail.comOkeke S Uglobaljournalseries@gmail.comNwafor P<p>This study examined the teacher-learner social interactions as model for value re-orientation in our society and it covers public primary schools in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State, Nigeria. To achieve the purpose of the study one research question and one hypothesis were formulated to guide the study. Literature review was carried out accordingly. Survey research design was used for the study. The paper examines the concept of value education through teacher-learner relationship some of which include honesty, integrity, hard work, empathy and respect for elders. Data was collected using researchers’ well validated and peer reviewed instrument titled “Teacher-Learner Ethical Relationship Questionnaire (TLERQ)”. The reliability co-efficient of 0.83 was established using Cronbach alpha reliability estimate. All the public primary schools in Calabar metropolis constituted the population of the study. A sample of 622 pupils was randomly selected for the study. The paper was anchored on social cognitive theory and attachment theory which provided the theoretical background for the study. The correlational analysis was the tool used for data analysis. The findings of the study reveal that the values learners are taught today, determine their behaviour in adulthood. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that positive teacher-learner relationship should be encouraged for it will bring about good value and moral re-orientation among learners, effective counselling and guidance should be provided in schools to help inculcate positive values among learners.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p> </p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Of Lecturers' Awareness And Utilization Of Ai Tools For Effective Teaching Of Research Methods In The University Of Calabar, Nigeria2025-03-04T17:02:27+00:00Idika D Oglobaljournalseries@gmail.comArikpo E Bglobaljournalseries@gmail.comEkpo E Eglobaljournalseries@gmail.comIdika C Iglobaljournalseries@gmail.comOkeke S<p>The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in higher education has emerged as a transformative force, reshaping pedagogical practices across diverse disciplines. This research examined the awareness, application, challenges, and effectiveness of utilizing AI tools for teaching research methods among lecturers at the University of Calabar, Nigeria. The study was anchored on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The study answered 3 research questions and tested 4 hypotheses as a guide for the study. Drawing on a descriptive survey research design, data was collected from a sample of 206 lecturers (115 male; 91 female) representing 115 departments from 24 faculties that teach their students directly or anchor research methods/its equivalence for other departments in the same faculty. A structured questionnaire, in form of modified Likert four -type scale, validated for face, content and assessed for reliability through a trial test with coefficients ranging from 0.77 to 0.81, served as the primary data collection instrument. Lecturers' awareness of AI tools for research methods instruction, their active integration of AI tools, and challenges encountered were systematically explored. Data was analysed using descriptive (mean, standard deviation), and inferential (independent t-test, one-way ANOVA) statistics. Findings revealed that awareness and utilization levels varied across sexes and departments with male lecturers and science departments scoring higher mean utilization values. While results showed that academic staff generally have awareness of the use of AI in research methods, awareness levels between male and female lecturers, and among academic disciplines were not significantly different. From the findings too, lecturers generally perceived the utilization of AI tools for effective instruction to be inadequate. It was found that challenges related to technical issues, lack of skills, faculty training, restricted access, and costs persist. The study underscores the need for comprehensive faculty training programs, institutional support for technology infrastructure, and clear communication to address faculty concerns, emphasizing the importance of faculty engagement in the AI integration process. Ultimately, this research contributes to the discourse on AI-enhanced pedagogy in the Nigerian higher education context and provides practical recommendations for enhancing research methods instruction through AI tools.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p> </p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 And Utilization Of E-Resources In The University Of Calabar Library2025-03-04T17:31:30+00:00Bassey Rglobaljournalseries@gmail.comAbang A Eglobaljournalseries@gmail.comOdey A Aglobaljournalseries@gmail.comJames L<p>This study examines the electronic resources collection development, awareness, and utilization in the University of CalabarLibrary. With the growing importance of digital information in academic settings, the researcher explores the library's strategies for acquiring e-resources, the level of awareness among students and faculty, and the extent to which these resources are utilized for academic and research purposes. Data were collected through a mixed-method approach involving questionnaires, interviews, and a review of library records. The findings revealed that while the University of Calabar Library has made significant strides in acquiring a variety of e-resources, challenges such as low level awareness, limited access points, and low utilization rates persist. The study recommends improved promotional strategies, increased training for users, and enhanced technological infrastructure to maximize the potential of e-resources in supporting academic and research activities within the university.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Intelligence And Teachers’ Job Performance In Primary Schools In Calabar South Local Government Area, Cross River State, Nigeria2025-03-04T17:38:20+00:00Ajake U Eglobaljournalseries@gmail.comAnakwue A Lglobaljournalseries@gmail.comOkon I<p>This study investigated the influence of Emotional Intelligence on Teachers’ Job Performance in Primary Schools in Calabar South Local Government Area of Cross River State. One research question was posed and one hypothesis was formulated to guide the study. Literature related to the variable was reviewed accordingly. Correlation design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised 3,359 teachers while the sample of the study was 739. The instrument used for data collection was constructed by the researcher and titled: “Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance Questionnaire (EIJPQ)”. The reliability of the instrument was determined using Cronbach Alpha reliability method which gave coefficients ranging from .70 to .81. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (simple regression) at .05 level of significance. The result of the analysis revealed that empathy predicted teachers job performance in the area under study. Teachers with high emotional intelligence skills such as; empathy performed maximally well in their jobs. Based on this result, it was concluded that stakeholders in the education sector should organize and encourage primary school teachers to be more empathetic in relating to learners. It was hence recommended that emotional intelligence training programs should be organized for primary school teachers at different times for a more effective job performance.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p> </p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Of Secondary School Facilities On Security Measures And Students’ Learning Outcome In Mathematics In Ogoja Education Zone, Cross River State, Nigeria2025-03-04T17:43:21+00:00Ekwueme C Oglobaljournalseries@gmail.comAbua D Oglobaljournalseries@gmail.comInah<p>This study was carried out examine impact of secondary school facilities on security measures and students’ learning outcome in mathematics in Ogoja Education Zone, Cross River State, Nigeria. The research design adopted for this study was an ex-post facto research. This design was considered most appropriate because the intended phenomena to be studied have already occurred. The population of this study included all the teachers and students of all the public secondary schools in Ogoja Education Zone, Cross River State. However, 5 public secondary schools were selected using simple random sampling technique from the study area. Out of these 5 schools, two (2) were single-gendered (1 boy and 1 girl school); 2 were urban schools while the other 1 was rurally based. Cluster and stratified random sampling techniques were adopted to select a sample of 30 students and 6 teachers from each school, implying that from each school; total of 150 students and 30 teachers resulting in a total of 180 participants constituted the study sample. The instrument used for data was a questionnaire titled: “Secondary School Facilities on Security Measures Questionnaire (SSFOSMQ)”. The instrument was designed by the researchers, vetted by two experts in test and measurement unit of Department of Educational Foundations, University of Calabar. They were expected to assess the instrument in order to be sure that it measures all the variables of the research objectives. A test-retest reliability test was conducted on 20 respondents who did not form part of the main study but only used for the reliability test. The instrument was subjected to Cronbach Alpha reliability test. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistical tool was used to analyze the collected data, and to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The results from analysis of data revealed that there was significant influence of availability of perimeter fencing, and Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) surveillance cameras in secondary school on students’ learning experience in mathematics in the study area. There was also significant impact of security gadgets on students’ learning outcome in mathematics in the study area. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that the governments through the federal and state Ministries of Education should organize workshops and seminars that will expose school administrators on the latest technological tools for ensuring security in their schools; School administrators should take specific care related to “securing, perimeter fencing and limiting access to the school using CCTV surveillance.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p> </p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 And Utilization Of Electronic Resources By Postgraduate Students In The University Of Calabar Library2025-03-04T17:48:24+00:00Nkoyo B Edemglobaljournalseries@gmail.comEdmond A<p>This study examines the availability of electronic resources in the University of Calabar (Unical) Library and their utilization by postgraduate (P.G) students. To accomplish the research purpose, five research questions and a single hypothesis was formulated to guide the study. Descriptive survey was adopted for the study and the population of the study was two thousand, seven hundred and twentysix, while a sample of four hundred postgraduate library users were selected through stratified sampling: two hundred postgraduates each from Faculty of Education and Faculty of Science. Questionnaire was the main instrument used for data collection. The instrument used for data collection. Pearson Moment Correlation Coefficient (r) was the statistical analysis technique adopted to test the hypothesis under study at 0.05 level of significance. Three hundred and eightytwo dully filled questionnaires were retrieved giving an overall response rate of 95.5 per cent. The result of the analysis revealed that electronic resources were available in Unical Library and P.G students utilized them, however, online databases were underutilized. The University Library has e-journals, e-books and have access to databases and internet resources. E-Journals were the most often used electronic resources. Lack of computer skills, slow internet network, inconsistent internet connectivity, power outage and massive irrelevant information were the problems postgraduate students encountered while accessing and using electronic resources in Unical Library. Based on the findings, the following recommendations were made that adequate budgetary allocation should be given to the University Library for subscription to online databases, acquisition of more relevant and current electronic books open access databases should be made accessible to users, creation of awareness on the available electronic resources in Unical Library, installation of inverter and battery system in the e-Library, as well as organizing users education for better use of electronic resources in Unical Library.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p> </p> <p> </p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Hygiene Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Among In-School And Out-Of-School Adolescent Girls Residing In Cross River State, Nigeria2025-03-04T17:52:45+00:00Chinyere O Nwachukwuglobaljournalseries@gmail.comJoseph M Asenglobaljournalseries@gmail.comAntor O Ndepglobaljournalseries@gmail.comInyang E Ekpoglobaljournalseries@gmail.comFina U<p>Globally, at least 500 million women and girls have poor knowledge on menstruation and lack adequate facilities for menstrual hygiene management (MHM). This study sought to determine the menstrual hygiene knowledge, attitude and practices of adolescent girls in Cross River State, Nigeria. Ethical approval was obtained from the Cross River State Health Research Committee (CRS/MH/HREC/021/Vol.V1/211). A community-based cross-sectional study design was used with a mixed method of data collection (Quantitative and Qualitative). Quantitative data was obtained from 422 adolescent girls aged 10-19 years who had attained menarche, and also gave their consent to participate in the study using a pre-tested adapted semi-structured questionnaire by UNICEF. Focus Group Discussion guide was used to obtain qualitative data from adolescent girls who participated in the FGD. Pearson Chi-square (ꭓ<sup>2</sup>) statistic was used to test association between variables. Majority 315 (74.6%) of the respondents had high knowledge of menstruation with most 174 (41.2%) of the respondents strongly agreeing that menstruation is something they just had to tolerate because they had no choice. Majority 360 (85.3%) of respondents indicated that they used disposable sanitary pads during menstruation. There was a statistically significant association between adolescent girls’ knowledge of menstruation and their school status, c<sup>2</sup> (2, N = 422) = 11.45, p = 0.03. Government, Non-Governmental Organizations and the general public have to put more effort into ensuring that adolescent girls are well educated on menstruation and importance of good menstrual hygiene practice in schools but particularly for out-of-school girls.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p> </p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Solutions Of Klein-Gordon Equation For A Central Inverse Square Potential Using Nikiforov-Uvarov Method2025-03-05T05:44:12+00:00W E Azogorglobaljournalseries@gmail.comT I Uzaglobaljournalseries@gmail.comN O Edodi<p>The radial Klein-Gordon Equation is solved for a central inverse square potential. The relativistic energy eigenvalues are given and the corresponding eigen functions are obtained in terms of the Laguerre polynomials by using the Nikiforov-Uvarov method which is based on solving the second-order linear differential equations by reduction to a generalized equation of hypergeometric-type.</p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Analysis And Optimization Of Integrated Renewable Energy Systems For Rural Communities2025-03-05T05:52:38+00:00Paul Erungworo Okayimglobaljournalseries@gmail.comGodwin O Igomahglobaljournalseries@gmail.comOkiro Mitchell Ayovuataglobaljournalseries@gmail.comUgo Nwitte Ezeglobaljournalseries@gmail.comAnderson Bannyglobaljournalseries@gmail.comWachukwu Caleb<p>The need to lower carbon emissions and meet the growing demand for sustainable energy sources are driving an increase in the adoption/deployment of hybrid renewable energy systems as a practical alternative for clean power generation. This article assesses the economic and environmental performance, along with its optimum configuration, of a hybrid solar PV/wind//battery energy system intended to supply power to a commercial platform in Maiduguri, Nigeria. Using real-measured data for power demand, solar irradiance, wind speed and biomass availability, the model was created using HOMER software. It was discovered that, as compared to using standalone energy system, the PV/wind/biomass/battery hybrid system is very efficient in terms of cost and carbon savings. A 140-kW converter, 240 kW of PV modules, and a 180 kWh Li-Ion battery park are the outcomes of the energy system's ideal design. An LCOE of 2.80 $/kWh is the outcome of the optimization; also, the suggested system will reduce carbon dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>) emissions by nearly 40% when compared to a biomass system alone. The results of a sensitivity test indicated that the suggested hybrid system is susceptible to changes in discount rates and capital subsidies. This study shows how integrating a hybrid PV/wind/biomass/battery system in Nigeria can be economically viable and have positive environmental effects, making it a desirable option for future sustainable development.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p> </p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Of Impact Of Cooperative Database Building In Nigerian Libraries2025-03-05T06:05:03+00:00Abang A Eglobaljournalseries@gmail.comETIM I Eglobaljournalseries@gmail.comOdey G A Oglobaljournalseries@gmail.comOdey A<p>The study assessed the impact of cooperative database building in Nigerian libraries. The study adopts a descriptive research design, which is most suitable for providing a detailed examination of cooperative data building practices within library and information science. The population of this study comprises of 500 respondents, made up of librarians, information professionals, data managers, and IT personnel across various libraries in Nigeria, particularly academic, public, and special libraries. The study employs purposive sampling to select 150 (30%) of the participants who are directly involved in cooperative data initiatives. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire. Reliability was tested through a pilot study, conducted in a small sample of libraries not included in the main study to help assess the consistency and clarity of the instrument. Cronbach's alpha was used to determine the internal consistency of the Likert scale items, with a score of 0.7 or above considered acceptable for reliability. To achieve the purpose of the study, three (3) research questions were formulated to guide the study. Simple percentage was used to answer these research questions. The result of the analyses revealed in general, most participants support cooperation in these areas as a way to cut expenses and redundant work. Again, the results revealed that a significant majority of participants see value in sharing resources and expertise across institutions to reduce duplication of efforts and enhance access to information, though a notable minority remains skeptical. The findings also reflect broad support for collaborative strategies that integrate knowledge-sharing and technology to enhance library services, especially in areas like automation and ILMS. Nonetheless, opinions differ somewhat on the effectiveness of specific initiatives. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that Develop Comprehensive Governance Frameworks: Establish clear governance structures for collaborative efforts to address concerns related to centralized decision-making and resource distribution. This includes forming advisory committees with representatives from all participating libraries to ensure equitable input and decision-making. Clear policies and procedures should be created to manage shared resources, resolve conflicts, and delineate roles and responsibilities.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p> </p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Of Sexual Orientation And Values System: Implication For Counselling2025-03-05T06:11:29+00:00Unimna Felix Unimnaglobaljournalseries@gmail.comAmeh Enemadaku Davidglobaljournalseries@gmail.comErnest S Osimglobaljournalseries@gmail.comEstella<p>This paper examined the Complexities of Sexual Orientation and Values System with particular focus on religious, technological and traditional values. Sexual orientation is a person’s mental, emotional, physical and sexual attraction to a particular gender. This often times is shaped or influenced by values system which is frequently understood as the ordering and prioritizing of a self-values that individuals or a society holds important or meaningful. Sexual orientation is a very complex and controversial issue and some individuals may feel uncomfortable talking about it. It is important to note that, individuals must create an environment full of respect and understanding for all people and that their personal views in terms of religious, technological and traditional values cannot prevent them from doing this. Sexual orientation is not about moral judgement, but about treating people equally, fairly and respecting other people’s right to engage in mutually consensual relationship of their choice, as afforded them by the law. Therefore, this paper examined the complexities of sexual orientation in respect to religious, technological and traditional values: Implication for counselling.</p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 It Effects On Socio-Cultural Practices In Nigeria2025-03-05T06:20:01+00:00Undie J Bekehglobaljournalseries@gmail.comFidelis I Abohglobaljournalseries@gmail.comCornelus I<p>There have been conspicuous phenomenal effects of globalization on socio-cultural practices in Nigeria. This has occasioned the near extinction of some socio-cultural institutions which made Nigerians distinct as a people. The much glorification of foreign culture to the zero crystallization of our belief system, ethos, mores and values is the bane of some of our societal problems we experience in Nigeria. The aimless pursuits of modernity are majorly blamed for this phenomenon which has destroyed the identity, customs and traditions, culture and language of the people. This paper, attempts to present an overview of globalization and socio-cultural practices, positive effects of globalization on socio-cultural practices in Nigeria, negative effects of globalization on socio-cultural practices in Nigeria, and how these have affected the behavioral patterns of the people to a large extent.</p> <p> </p>2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025