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Associated petroleum hydrocarbons and heavy metals of an oil spilled site in the Niger Delta, Nigeria
indeno 1, 2, 3 cd pyrene was the most abundant. The results also depicted a substantial concentration of the benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylene (BTEX) fractions with 1, 3, dichlorobenzene as the most abundant
fraction while o-xylene had the least concentration. Heavy metals were detected in varying concentration in polluted soils. Zinc had the highest concentration of 9.84 ± 0.93mg/kg while Arsenic had the least concentration of 0.12± 0.04mg/kg. These results suggest that as at the time of sample collection, the spilled oil was still fresh on site. That
pristane was more abundant than phytane inferred an oxic depositional environment of a probable non-waxy, marine derived organic matter and a phytoplankton input for the spilled oil.