Castor seed variously treated by boiling, roasting, boiling and roasting, decorticated lyle treated, boiling and fermenting was tested for improved nutrient content and elimination of toxins. 10% processed castor seed cake (CSC) was included in diets and fed to 180 catfishes for 4-weeks to assay the dietary castor seed based on performance and some biochemical indices. Processing methods other than boiling improved performance and other measured parameters and some diets containing treated CSC produced results even better than that obtained on the conventional diet (p < 0.05). Dietary boiled CSC elicited low feed intake, body weight gain, poor feed efficiency and high mortality of the fed fish relative to the control diet (p < 0.05). Similarly, boiled CSC in diet gave poor results on biological values of specific growth rate, net protein utilization, nitrogen metabolism, protein efficiency ratio compared to the control diet or diets containing CSC treated by methods other than boiling (p < 0.05). The best result was obtained on the diet containing castor seeds treated by boiling followed by roasting (p < 0.05). For optimum utilization of CSC in nutrition of fish, it has to be boiled and roasted.