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Aluminum and iron contents in phosphate treated swamp rice farm of Mbiabet, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
kg/ha but with no phosphate. The phosphate fertilizer was applied at 122kg/ha-1 P205. Various extractants used to extract Fe and Al showed highest concentration of Fe and Al in the sulphuric acid and dithionite and lowest in the sodium hydroxide citrate extractants. The total amount of Fe and Al removed by the fractionating solution represented 75 and 15 percent respectively. The average values of pH and KCl-extractable aluminum and iron at various depths showed that as the pH decreased the amount of extractable Fe and Al increased in both fresh and dried muds down the profile. Iron phosphate was more abundant than aluminum or calcium phosphate throughout the profile and there was no aluminum phosphate present below a depth of 8 cm. These results were consistent throughout the study period.