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Hydrogeophysical Study Of The Groundwater Potential Of Ilara-Mokin Southwestern Nigeria
potential of the study area. Forty-one Schlumberger vertical electrical soundings (VES) were conducted across the study area. The computer
assisted VES data interpretation enabled generation of geoelectric curves, sections and overburden thickness map which were used in the delineation of key hydrogeologic features like the topsoil, weathered basement, fractured basement and the fresh basement. Resistivity values range from 21 Ω-m to 798 Ω-m in the topsoil, 14 Ω-m to 209 Ω- m in the weathered basement, 51 Ω-m to 209 in the partially weathered/fractured basement and 312 Ω-m to ∞ within the fresh basement. Layer thickness values also vary from 0.3 m to 6.1 m in the topsoil and 0.9 m to 28.6 m in the
weathered basement. The depth to the resistive bedrock ranges from 0.3 m to 29.3 m across the study area. The study revealed that greater part of Ilara-Mokin town is underlain by marginally thick overburden thus constituting shallow aquifer units with poor to marginal groundwater potential. Partially weathered/fractured basement were delineated in isolated cases with tendency for low to marginal groundwater yield around central and northeastern areas of the town. The results reasonably provide basic information that is expected to assist in the future development of groundwater resources in Ilara-Mokin.