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Effect Of Aspartame And Sucrose On Some Biochemical And Haematological Parameters In Wistar Albino Rats
hematocrit analysis; serum was prepared by centrifugation and used for serum total protein levels. The brain of each rat was also harvested and processed into whole homogenate and used for the analysis of brain tryptophan and phenylalanine levels. The results showed that consumption of aspartame and sucrose inhibited protein and leukocytes synthesis, resulting in anemia, and bone marrow hypoplasia, and DNA dysfunction. The results also showed that aspartame and sucrose consumption inhibited hexokinase, resulting in inhibition of glucose uptake by hepatic tissues, leading to hypoglycemia, which has been linked with aggressive and violent behaviours, diverse personality, and psychiatric disorders such as neuroses, panic attacks, agoraphobia and schizophrenic episodes as well as neuronal disorders. The alterations had led to changes in behaviours including aggressive and violent behaviours .those foods seemed greatly to increase their restless and destructive behaviour of susceptible individuals.