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Globalization: It Effects On Socio-Cultural Practices In Nigeria

Undie J Bekeh
Fidelis I Aboh
Cornelus I Omang


There have been conspicuous phenomenal effects of globalization on socio-cultural practices in Nigeria. This has occasioned the near extinction of some socio-cultural institutions which made Nigerians distinct as a people. The much glorification of foreign culture to the zero crystallization of our belief system, ethos, mores and values is the bane of some of our societal problems we experience in Nigeria. The aimless pursuits of modernity are majorly blamed for this phenomenon which has destroyed the identity, customs and traditions, culture and language of the people. This paper, attempts to present an overview of globalization and socio-cultural practices, positive effects of globalization on socio-cultural practices in Nigeria, negative effects of globalization on socio-cultural practices in Nigeria, and how these have affected the behavioral patterns of the people to a large extent.


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2992-4464
print ISSN: 1118-0579