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Assessment Of Impact Of Cooperative Database Building In Nigerian Libraries
The study assessed the impact of cooperative database building in Nigerian libraries. The study adopts a descriptive research design, which is most suitable for providing a detailed examination of cooperative data building practices within library and information science. The population of this study comprises of 500 respondents, made up of librarians, information professionals, data managers, and IT personnel across various libraries in Nigeria, particularly academic, public, and special libraries. The study employs purposive sampling to select 150 (30%) of the participants who are directly involved in cooperative data initiatives. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire. Reliability was tested through a pilot study, conducted in a small sample of libraries not included in the main study to help assess the consistency and clarity of the instrument. Cronbach's alpha was used to determine the internal consistency of the Likert scale items, with a score of 0.7 or above considered acceptable for reliability. To achieve the purpose of the study, three (3) research questions were formulated to guide the study. Simple percentage was used to answer these research questions. The result of the analyses revealed in general, most participants support cooperation in these areas as a way to cut expenses and redundant work. Again, the results revealed that a significant majority of participants see value in sharing resources and expertise across institutions to reduce duplication of efforts and enhance access to information, though a notable minority remains skeptical. The findings also reflect broad support for collaborative strategies that integrate knowledge-sharing and technology to enhance library services, especially in areas like automation and ILMS. Nonetheless, opinions differ somewhat on the effectiveness of specific initiatives. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that Develop Comprehensive Governance Frameworks: Establish clear governance structures for collaborative efforts to address concerns related to centralized decision-making and resource distribution. This includes forming advisory committees with representatives from all participating libraries to ensure equitable input and decision-making. Clear policies and procedures should be created to manage shared resources, resolve conflicts, and delineate roles and responsibilities.