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Assessment Of Lecturers' Awareness And Utilization Of Ai Tools For Effective Teaching Of Research Methods In The University Of Calabar, Nigeria

Idika D O
Arikpo E B
Ekpo E E
Idika C I
Okeke S U


The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in higher education has emerged as a transformative force, reshaping pedagogical practices across diverse disciplines. This research examined the awareness, application, challenges, and effectiveness of utilizing AI tools for teaching research methods among lecturers at the University of Calabar, Nigeria. The study was anchored on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The study answered 3 research questions and tested 4 hypotheses as a guide for the study. Drawing on a descriptive survey research design, data was collected from a sample of 206 lecturers (115 male; 91 female) representing 115 departments from 24 faculties that teach their students directly or anchor research methods/its equivalence for other departments in the same faculty. A structured questionnaire, in form of modified Likert four -type scale, validated for face, content and assessed for reliability through a trial test with coefficients ranging from 0.77 to 0.81, served as the primary data collection instrument. Lecturers' awareness of AI tools for research methods instruction, their active integration of AI tools, and challenges encountered were systematically explored. Data was analysed using descriptive (mean, standard deviation), and inferential (independent t-test, one-way ANOVA) statistics. Findings revealed that awareness and utilization levels varied across sexes and departments with male lecturers and science departments scoring higher mean utilization values. While results showed that academic staff generally have awareness of the use of AI in research methods, awareness levels between male and female lecturers, and among academic disciplines were not significantly different. From the findings too, lecturers generally perceived the utilization of AI tools for effective instruction to be inadequate. It was found that challenges related to technical issues, lack of skills, faculty training, restricted access, and costs persist. The study underscores the need for comprehensive faculty training programs, institutional support for technology infrastructure, and clear communication to address faculty concerns, emphasizing the importance of faculty engagement in the AI integration process. Ultimately, this research contributes to the discourse on AI-enhanced pedagogy in the Nigerian higher education context and provides practical recommendations for enhancing research methods instruction through AI tools.



Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2992-4464
print ISSN: 1118-0579