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Utilization Of Plastic Materials In Agricultural Production Among Agro-Enterprise Owners In Cross River State, Nigeria
This research assessed the utilization of plastic materials in agricultural production among agro-enterprise owners in Cross River State, Nigeria. It examined the socio-economic characteristics of agro-enterprise owners in the study area, identified plastic materials and the level of usage by enterprise owners in the study area, isolated the most used plastic materials among the selected enterprises in the study area and postulated practical measures as prospects for plastic agricultural development for Cross River State. A simple random and purposive sampling technique was used for the study. Both primary and secondary data were used; a researcher structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Data were obtained from 150 respondents from five selected agro-enterprises which are; processing and packaging enterprises, Vegetable farms/Gardens, Poultry farm enterprise, Nursery/horticultural enterprises, and Agro-marketing enterprises. Result revealed that respondents were educated (f=62, 41.35%), with the highest farming experience between 5 - 10 years (f=67; 44.68%) and monthly income between N21, 000 and N40, 000 (f = 55; 36.68%). Plastic products that are most utilized in the agricultural activities of vegetable farmers included; Plastic Basin (1.92), Jerry Can (1.72), Poly-ethyne Bag and Table (1.70).The use of Tarpauline Bags (1.92), Poly-ethyne Bags and Chair (1.86), Cup and Egg Crate (1.80) among agro-marketers, Egg Crates and Tapolyen Bags (1.94), Plastic Tanks (1.92) and Plastic Jerry Cans (1.80)among poultry enterprises. The study recommended the isolation and implementation of plastic policies that improves the socio-economic characteristics of farmers, as well as a remodeling approach to plastic utilization in agricultural development.