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Influence Of Geology And Geological Structures On Blasting: Implications For Quarrying, Mining And Tunneling: A Review

Victor E Nyong
Esu O Esu


Obtaining the desired fragmentation using minimum energy is usually the ultimate aim of every blasting operation done for quarrying, mining, tunneling or any other engineering construction purposes.  Blasters mostly rely on explosive power and experience to achieve their objectives while little attention is paid to the rockmass conditions which include the presence and distribution of discontinuities like joints, fissure, foliation, schistosity, fault and bedding planes. This negligence may lead to detrimental effect like blast induced ground vibrations (BIGV), flyrocks and damage to adjacent structures. This paper presents a critical review on the influence of rockmass conditions on blasting and a stepwise approach that blasters can utilize, relying both on the type, distribution and orientation of discontinuities and explosive power to achieve better blasting output. A checklist is developed as a guide to follow in blasting operation.



Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2992-4464
print ISSN: 1118-0579