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Assessment Of Heavy Metal Pollution In Soils Of Ifie Community, Warri, Delta State, Nigeria

Andre Obayanju Oluwatomilola
Pajiah Jubemi A


Twelve soil samples (11 soil samples and 1 control sample) were collected to assess the level of pollution and its distribution in soils around Ifie Community, Warri South, Delta State, Nigeria, including one control sample from Federal Government College Warri. An Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) machine (model 210 VGP) was used and seven heavy metal parameters were analyzed: iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), and Copper (Cu). The following results were obtained: iron (110.5 - 201.5 mg/kg), nickel (20.5 - 47.5 mg/kg), chromium (1 - 23 mg/kg), lead (1 - 3.5 mg/kg), zinc (8 - 20 mg/kg), and copper (27 - 46 mg/kg). The heavy metal distribution patterns identified in this study from highest to lowest were as follows: iron, copper, nickel, zinc, chromium, lead, cadmium. Cadmium was below the detection level in all samples. The study findings indicate high nickel and copper levels, surpassed the World Health Organization's (WHO) target values, and high nickel levels exceeding the Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente(CONAMA) prevention values, suggesting that industrial and domestic activities in the area contribute to heavy metal pollution. The Contamination Factor (CF) and Geo-accumulation Index (GeoI) indicate moderate to considerable levels of Ni and Cu contamination, while statistical analysis shows that these two metals are most likely from the same source and influenced by the same factors.



Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2992-4464
print ISSN: 1118-0579