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Comparative Study Of Physico-Chemical Parameters On Natural And Artificial Fish Habitats In Calabar South, Cross River State, Nigeria
This study was conducted to investigate the physico-chemical parameters of natural and artificial fish habitat in Calabar South. Ten (10) physico-chemical parameters were investigated. Parameters such as temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and hydrogen ion concentration were measured insitu from artificial and natural habitats. Results obtained from this study showed that, temperature from the University of Calabar Fish Pond (artificial habitat) were between 28.4-29.30C, with a mean value of 28.83±5.36oC, while that of the Calabar river (natural habitat) were between 29.44-29.620C, with a mean value of 29.54±5.44oC. Dissolved oxygen ranged between 3.0-3.9mg/L, with a mean value of 3.83±1.96mg/l from the artificial habitat and between 3.40-3.48mg/L, with a mean value of 3.43±1.85mg/L in the natural habitat. Phosphate concentration was between 0.044-0.075mg/L in the University of Calabar fish pond, with a mean value of 0.063±0.25mg/L, while in the Calabar River, phosphate ranged between 0.029-0.048mg/l, with a mean concentration of 0.041±0.02mg/L. In the Calabar River, sulphates ranged between 0.082-0.088mg/L, with a mean concentration of 0.253±0.16mg/L, while in the University of Calabar fish pond, sulphates ranged between 0.032-0.083mg/L, with a mean concentration of 0.062±0.25mg/L. There was no statistically significant difference (p<0.05) in the levels of physico-chemical parameters between the two fish habitats. The ranges of the physico-chemical parameters in this study were within FEPA and WHO permissible limits for aquaculture practices. However, to improve on the ecological status of the habitats, it is recommended that proper management and monitoring of waste that goes into the systems should be undertaken by individuals and the government and their relevant agencies.