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Comparative Cost-Benefits Analysis Among Rain-Fed And Irrigated Sugarcane Production Farming Systems In Bauchi State, Nigeria

Oni B O
Balogun O S
Ademola T O
Aaron J A


Various interventions in agricultural production are aimed at maximizing agricultural revenue, and key enterprises to improve livelihood and reduce poverty. This study assessed cost and benefits of Rain-Fed Farming Systems (RFFS) and Irrigated Farming System (IRFS) of sugarcane production in Bauchi State, Nigeria. Using primary data collected in a three-stage purposive sampling procedure from a total of 231 sugarcane farmers. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, farm budgetary techniques, Z-statistics, and Likert scale. The farmers mean age was 43 years with an average of 7 years of formal education. There were significant differences in the level of income with a profitability ratio of 1.14 RFFS and 1.85 IRFS respectively. The major constraints include inadequate capital and access to credit facilities, excessively high labour and transportation costs. The study recommends improved education and extension services to sensitize sugarcane farmers on how to appropriately employ improved technologies to optimize their production outcomes. Also, there should be implementation of policies that improves marketing activities by reducing the transports costs and ensuring better connection between producers and mills. Productivity should be improved by increasing yields with more policies supporting producers directly.



Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2992-4464
print ISSN: 1118-0579