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Effect of temperature on the postembryonic stages and adults of the blowfly, chrysomya chloropyga (diptera: calliphoridae)

A. A. Ajayi
B. O. Salawu
W. A. Muse


Chrysomya chloropyga biology was studied under controlled temperature (15.6, 22.2, 28.8, 32.2, and 36.1 °C) for an incubation period of eight hours. Development and survival of incubated eggs, larval stages I, II and pupae to adult emergence were highest between 22.2 and 28.8 °C and resistant to temperatures below and above that range. Third larva stage showed a difference, with emergence higher at 15.6 than at 22.2 °C. No adult fly emerged at 36.1 °C. The male and female flies of ages 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 days were divided into batches (n = 20). Batches of male and female flies was incubated separately for eight hours and further monitored for 72 hours in the laboratory for survival. Adult males and females survived within 15.6 – 28.8 °C than at higher temperatures irrespective of the ages; 36.1 °C had a lethal effect on the flies. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in the survival of adult flies at incubation and after 72 hours of exposure. The results suggest that the effect of temperature depends upon the stage of development of Chrysomya chloropyga. Temperature is fundamental in the development of C. chloropyga and should be considered during PMI determination and in the formulation of control strategies.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2992-4464
print ISSN: 1118-0579