Packets routing and bandwidth sensing in a network platform remains an integral part of the study of signal flow.The algorithm to route packets in a network link called the AntNet algorithm was inspired by the behavior of real ant colonies. At each node in the network, a forward ant deposits some amount of pheromones at different links that responds to the node’s queue length. In this paper, we propose the inclusion of the computation of paths to adapt with the Depth Search Ant Explorer Network (DS-ANTENet) algorithm for discrete problems as an IP based mechanism. This method is tested and the efficiency is compared to the original AntNet algorithm and the Link-State algorithm to check the transmission of computing traffic flows between the nodes. We then made comparison with the algorithms proposed in the literature. The protocols were sorted out in terms of average number of lost packets ranging from the higher priority queue to the lower priority queue which then resulted to the fact that; First, AntNetBW (loss ratios reduction of 9.6% when compared to the AntNet and the Link-State algorithm respectively. Secondly, SANTENetBW (loss ratios reduction of 8.3% and 36.7% when compared to the AntNet and the Link-State algorithm respectively. Finally, DS-ANTENet (loss ratios reduction 0.7% and 33.2% when compared to the AntNet and the Link- State algorithm respectively.
Keywords: Packets Routing, Bandwidth Sensing, Network Traffic, Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm, AntNet