There is growing belief that both the conventional Bose Einstein condensation (CBEC) and non-conventional Bose Einstein condensation (NBEC) can be obtained from repulsive and attractive interactions of bosons respectively. However, there is still no generally accepted model to obtain both condensates. Since results in the literature show that the Hubbard model two electron interactions has both repulsive and attractive regions depending on the interaction strength, we are considering its extension to charged bosons to investigate the possibility of obtaining the condensates from it. As a preliminary investigation, we have compared in this present study, the two electron variational Hubbard Hamiltonian with that modified for charged bosons in N = 2, N x N = 4 x 4 and N x N x N = 5 x 5 x 5 lattices. The results show only slight differences between the cases of the electrons and bosons. The implication that there is possibility of obtaining both condensates from the Hubbard model is then discussed in relation to superconductivity.
Keywords: Bose Einstein condensation, superconductivity, Hubbard model, electrons, bosons
Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences Vol. 12(1) 2006: 119-123