Investigations were carried out on the bacteriological and physicochemical status of locally prepared syrups from local raw materials. The syrups were produced, using acid hydrolysis, from starches obtained from Colocasia esculenta, Zea mays and Manihot palmata. The viable bacterial count gave low counts of Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Bacillus subtills and Lactobacillus species. The dextrose equivalent was 83.12, 66.02 and 59.87 percent for Zea mays, Manihot palmata and Colocasia esculenta respectively. The titratable acidity was 0.02% for Zea mays, 0.02% for Manihot palmata and 0.01% for Colocasia esculenta while the cyanide content was 1.00pm in Manihot palmata and absent in the other two starch sources. Generally the locally prepared syrups exhibited appreciable shelf life under the laboratory conditions.
KEY WORDS: Syrups, Acid hydrolysis, Dextrose equivalent, Cyanide.
Global Jnl Pure and Applied Sciences Vol.10(3) 2004: 357-361