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Effect of the leaves of (Fleurya aestuans) on the food quality of the corm of cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium(L) Schott)
Result of analyses showed general increases in moisture, ash and crude protein in the Cocoyam sample cooked with the leaves of F.aestuans. Mineral elements showed general decreases in the cooked samples. There was a 20% reduction in calcium concentration from 26.67mg/100g dry matter (DM) in P1 to 19.33mg/100g DM in P3 and similar trend was observed from sodium, potassium and magnesium. The cocoyam corm became richer in phosphorus after cooking with F. aestuans. There was a general reduction in the level of anti-nutrients after cooking the corm with the leaves. The food quality improved with respect to the level of anti-nutrients but reduced with respect to the mineral elements although those could be supplemented from other sources usually eaten with the cooked cocoyam. However, undesirable properties of X. sagittifolium particularly acridity caused by oxalates and other factors were considerably reduced by the use of the leaves.
KEY WORDS: Proximate composition, Phytochemicals, F. aestuans, cocoyam, acridity.
Global Jnl Pure & Applied Sciences Vol.10(2) 2004: 287-290