Ground electrical properties remain a useful tool for most applications in engineering and communication, therefore, reliability and precision is highly required in their determination. Ground electrical conductivity as a function of signal frequency has been determined at Ilorin during the dry and the wet seasons. The study revealed that the mean conductivity during the wet season is higher than that of dry season. The values range from 3.5mS/m - 5.0mS/m for the dry season and 4.6mS/m - 6.3mS/m for the wet season. The variation of skin depth with signal frequency was also investigated. Correlation coefficients ranging from 0.8598 to 0.9834 were obtained between the signal frequency and the measured ground electrical conductivity at different hours of the day for both seasons using the statistical analysis toolpack of Microsoft Excel 5.0.
Key Words: Ground, Electrical, Conductivity, Season, Frequency.
(Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences: 2002 8(3): 411-416)