The monthly deviation of maximum temperature from the median value has been used to carry out a variability study of temperature for a tropical station, Ibadan (lat. 7.40 N, long. 3.40 E) Nigeria. The study was undertaken for different seasons during periods of high and low solar activity. Results from the assumed linear correlation between solar activity and maximum temperature suggest that a non-linear form of equation might be appropriate for the variables. Generally, the range of variation of the deviations is independent of solar activity. Negative deviations were greater than positive deviations for both periods of solar activity. Variations occurred in the dry season months of February, March and April during the period of low solar activity, whereas for the wet season, the range of variation occurred in the months of July and September for both periods of high and low solar activity. Temperature variations from the median value do not give thermal gradients that could portend threats to the environment.
Key Words: Variability, maximum temperature, tropical station, solar activity, thermal gradients.
(Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences: 2002 8(3): 405-410)